
Features in version 0.3

  • User management is now done through the database. This makes it possible to add and remove users and groups at runtime. No user interface is provided yet so users and groups must be managed using direct database queries.

Features in version 0.2

  • Authentication is done using standard J2EE security and the user identity is made available everywhere in the application using JAAS.

  • Logout is possible.


This is a step towards a version that supports groups. Users can then be part of one or more groups and participate in either a read-only or read-write fashion the groups they are part of.

Features in version 0.1

  • Upload of individual photos in JPEG format

  • Upload of zip archives of photos in JPEG format. Non-JPEG files are ignored.

  • Creation of new albums

  • Independent navigation through albums in different browser windows.


Authentication is done declaratively in the web application or by Apache with mod_proxy and security configuration. This means that once a user is logged in, the user can see all albums.

Next Release

Authorization based on the group(s) a user belongs to. A user will only be able to see the albums of the group(s) to which he belongs. Only an administrator will be able to modify, add, or remove users and groups.

Future features

  • Support for user groups. Users an be part of one or more groups and participate in either a read-only of read-write fashion in the groups they are part of.

  • Downloads of multiple photos in batch, also specifying scaling such as maximum size in bytes or maximum resolution.

  • Deletion of photos and/or albums based on certain rules

  • Addition of metadata to photo albums like descriptions.

  • Extraction of metadata from photos

  • Sorting of photos based on several criteria.

  • Automatic adaptation to the browser type (e.g. mobile use).

  • View new photos since last visit or photos uploaded in a given time frame

  • Automatic registration of users and groups.

  • View size for normal browsing should be smaller than the full size to save bandwidth.